The Brust Family Story

Early on we knew we needed help. With two kids under 2 early, we had moments of that drowning feeling. Luckily, Bonnie met Annette Spangler, who began then what is now a 20 Plus year relationship of mentorship. Of holding our hands, of telling us we are not crazy! Paul was traveling quite a bit for work and Bonnie was home raising the kids, often time alone. Once we felt like we were beginning to breathe, our third arrived! We always felt like it was the right thing to do to look for folks who were a life stage or two ahead of us. Asking them a million questions on how did you do this. When did you start this?

As our kids got older, we felt the call to give back. To be Annette to someone else. Over the last 10 years, we have been meeting one on one with individuals and couples. We have been teaching to groups of parents, teaching to Moms. We have spoken at Marriage retreats and conferences.

In the end, we feel that we have learned so much from others who have spoken into our lives, that it our calling to give back and not let these life lessons go to waste! Hopefully, we can be an encouragement to you too!