Mentoring parents in their journey to be more intentional, present, and engaged.

Join us on Instagram @Raising.Sparks

Join our mentorship community on Instagram. Feel seen, be encouraged, and get practical tips to be a more intentional parent and make the most of these precious years.

Book a Mentor

Are you looking for a speaker for your church, group, or community? Raising Sparks mentors, Bonnie and Paul are available for virtual or on-site speaking engagements.

Raising Sparks Mentorship Sessions

Join our mentoring class and one-on-one sessions with Bonnie and Paul. Ask questions, get practical advice, and be encouraged in your parenting journey. Launch date January 2024 - Coming soon!

What is Raising Sparks?

Raising Sparks is an online and social media community intended to mentor parents on their journey to more intentional and kingdom-minded parenting.

Why did we name this community Raising Sparks? We believe…

Two hardened surfaces can create a SPARK. One that lights a spiritual fire in parents to see their marriage and children in a new way. It brings light to darkened places. These sparks have kingdom impacts on your children and prepares them to spark the world around them.

Meet Bonnie + Paul

Paul and Bonnie Brust, Raising Sparks Mentors, have a passion and calling to mentor parents to become more intentional and present. They have been married for 26 years and have 3 children. Two of them are off at college and one more is about to start her final year of High School. They have walked through their own journey of breaking out of the cycle of survival parenthood to intentional parenthood. Their mission is to help families transform their families lives to be more intentional and purposeful in these formative years.

Let’s get social!

Join our mentorship community on Instagram. We offer practical advice, strategies, and encouragement in becoming more intentional with your family.